Once you owe the IRS money, they become very aggressive in their collection attempts. One of the more common collection methods the IRS uses is the LEVY!
They will use either a Bank Levy or a Wage Levy. If you're lucky enough to still have a bank account, the Bank Levy allows the IRS to present your bank with a piece of paper that requires the bank to immediately withdraw all the money you owe the IRS.
Many times these Bank Levies are wrong, but the IRS doesn't care and it's up to you to correct the problem. Meanwhile, the checks you've written are bouncing all over town.
The worst thing about the IRS Bank Levy is that, if your name happens to be on the account, it may capture your children's, parent's, girlfriend's or spouse's bank account. Even if it's just on there for convenience.
The IRS doesn't care, they just want to get paid
and they don't care who pays your taxes.
After the bank has cleaned out all checking and savings accounts with your name on them, they send the money to the IRS. You should take this as notice that the IRS will issue another Bank Levy against you in the future, to satisfy any remaining amounts owed to them.
It's kind of like hitting the lottery for the IRS. Once they find out how to get your money, they will continue taking your money by issuing more bank levies.
As Bad as The Bank Levy Is, The Wage
Levy (Garnishment) Is Much Worse!
The bank levy is a one shot deal. Meaning that the IRS must continue to issue a new Bank Levy every time they want to clean out your bank account. The Wage Levy (Garnishment) is much, much worse. It's designed to bring you to your knees.
The Wage Levy is issued to your employer and it instructs the employer to immediately start withholding ridiculously high amounts of money to pay old tax liabilities in addition to the normal taxes being withheld.
Wage Levies often result in you only receiving a few hundred dollars per pay period. This usually makes it impossible to pay your bills and eat. The IRS knows that Wage Levies cause all types of harm to you and your family, but they mail out thousands every day.
Having IRS Problems Gets Old!
Without a bank account it's difficult to cash your checks or even pay your monthly utility bills. Even if you're lucky enough to have a bank account, you have to always worry about the IRS wiping out all of the money in the account without notice.
Are There Ways Out of IRS Problems?
Our firm helps in ending the misery of IRS Problems! There are many possible ways to end these problems, but they all require you to take the first step.
No one can help you until you decide to help yourself. We are here to help end the IRS Problems, but you must be ready to follow our advice. We can walk you through the IRS maze.
Many taxpayers use our firm to keep the
IRS away from them and their families.
Most of our clients Never Meet or Speak With The IRS. We do all the talking to the IRS. We also handle all the meetings and correspondences with the IRS, so our clients can go to work and carry on a normal life.
Remember, your IRS problem will not go away by itself. First, you have to get up to date with all your tax returns. If you have old tax returns that aren’t filed you must get them filed as soon as possible. The IRS will NOT discuss any deals if you are not in compliance. You only have three choices to end your IRS Nightmare. You can do one of the following:
1. Pay the IRS 100% of What They Think You Owe Today.
2. Set up a Monthly Payment Which May Never Go Away Due to the Additional Penalties and Interest That Continue to Add Up.
3. Reduce the Total amount You Owe to an Affordable Number and Get on with the rest of Your Life!
I can help you explore all the choices and options, but you must take the first step. You can come in for a Free Consultation to discuss your options. You have nothing to lose except the peace of mind most people already enjoy. Why not get some for yourself and your family.
***NOTICE: Past results achieved are not a guarantee of future results. Each case is unique and reference must be made to the specific legal and factual circumstances of each.
Call my office today at 304-345-3400 or 1-800-247-2845 to set up an appointment for a Free Consultation.
About Jeffrey T. Jones:
Jeffrey T. Jones is an attorney in Charleston, West Virginia. He is licensed to practice in the State and Federal Courts of West Virginia and in the State of North Carolina. He is a graduate of the West Virginia University College of Law.
He is past President of the West Virginia Association for Justice and has been honored as Member of the Year. He has also been recognized as one of the Top 100 Trial Lawyers in West Virginia. He has appeared in USA TODAY as an Emerging Business Leader To Watch.
In his work, he helps individuals and businesses solve their IRS problems. He is the author of the bestselling book “Protect and Defend.” He has also written Special Reports dealing with business payroll taxes and ways to solve your IRS problems.
To learn more about Jeff or to order his book, or Special Reports, go to http://www.jeffreytjones.com/ or call 1-800-247-2845 or 304-345-3400.